
  • Product of Prife - iTeracare Devices and Iteracare Bio are not classified as medical devices.
  • Claims that iTeracare Devices can cure diseases (e.g., Cancer, Diabetes, Stroke) are strictly prohibited.
  • iTeracare Devices should not be presented as supplements to any therapy or medication.
  • Members are accountable for their public statements/testimonials/advertisements regarding iTeracare Devices.
  • Testimonials or statements on social media or other platforms reflect only the member's opinion, not Prife International's stance.
  • Prife International and Business Leaders are not responsible for Independent Distributors' misrepresentations, actions, or negligence.
  • Prife International reserves the right to suspend the accounts of members violating these guidelines..

The disclaimer page will be updated periodically and can only be found on this page. Therefore, you are welcome to visit this page from time to time. Thank you.

Last updated : 31 / 03 / 2024